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My natural hair journey started November 2019 when I destroyed my hair while bleaching it red.  In addition to the damage, two things happened:  for some reasons perms were no longer straigthening my hair, and secondly I was post menopaused and wanted to eliminate as many chemicals introduced to my body.  This was when and why I decided to got all natural.
I quickly realized I'd forgotten how to take care of my 4C natural hair because for the past few decades (mid 1980's) I constantly wore braids, wigs, and weaves in my relaxed hair.
During this time, I was well aware of the second "Natural Hair Movement" that kicked into gear around the late 1990's.  So when I decided to do "The Big Chop", thank God a massive community of natural hair influencers were available on YouTube.  I learned so much from this community, and as it turned out going natural was the best decision I've made outside of giving my life to Jesus Christ.
I started documenting my natural hair journey on YouTube in July 2023.  If you have 4c hair and thinking about going natural, please subscribe to my channel, and ring the bell so you will never miss a post.
I posted a couple of my videos below, in addition to a few of my favorite natural hair influencers from YouTube.  Check them out as well and subscribe to their channels.  You'd be amazed at how much you can learn from a variety of influencers.

Best Lenth Retension Techniques

Check out these major hair retension tips from top 4C Natural Hair YouTuber Influencer/Christian Janet Davies where you can subscribe to her channel. Click the phote to learn now.

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Best Technique to Increase Hair Growth

Curly Proverbz is a Christian business owner and natural hair influencer.  Check out her hair growth challenge as she shares how to grow long hair when you don't know where to start. This is the start of her series on Hair Growth Basics 101; everything  we all should know if we are serious about hair health, hair growth and length retention using Ayurveda. She shares everything from Ayurvedic herbs and oiling to Deep conditioning like a boss; Beast-mode hair growth! Click the photo to learn now!

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Best Techniques for Better Twist-outs

CurlieCyrs another awesome Christian 4C Hair Influencer.  Check out how she shares her guide to acheiving a poppin twist-out - it all starts with the twists! Learn how to achieve the perfect twists for your twist-out: no frizz, maximum shine, maximum moisture - this is what you need to watch if you have any issues with your twist-outs! (or if you want to improve).  Click the photo to learn now.

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Understanding Hair Chemistry

Tanya Lane AKA CurlyChemistry is a Christian cosmetic chemist specializing in natural hair care and the creator of the # 1 go to resource for understanding ingredients in the natural hair care industry!   She teaches you to get results with your hair care regimen from a cosmetic chemist perspective and understand ingredient labels based on your hair needs so you can save time and money! Click the photo to learn now.

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Best Rules for Protective Styling

Eugenia Kelcy is a black hair care business owner.  In this video she shares techniques you can incorporate into your type 4 hair routine to helps to promote: extreme hair growth, thicker hair, nourishment and protection for your hair. If you think you've tried “EVERYTHING” but your hair still isn't growing; try her simple routines!  She address 10 real reasons why your hair isn’t growing past a certain length and how to grow it or navigate that. She talks about how to care for your hair before the protective styling, during the process and aftercare (how you take it out). Please watch the video throughout as she gives important information about each ingredient involved.  Click the photo to learn now.

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Best Wash-and-Go Hack

Check out Brittany Rose a Christian black hair care business owner and 4C Hair Influencers.  Check out this wonderful hack she discovered to get a bomb wash and go.  Click the photo to learn how.

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