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Unlock the mystery of a permanent lifestyle change  and achieve the fitness level you've been dreaming of for years!

Transform your lifestyle to lose fat, gain muscle according to your metabolic responses at a faster rate with permanent results. All backed by science and the word of God.


Ever stared in the mirror in agony as you wonder why you can't lose weight no matter how hard you try?
Or felt like there's a lifestyle program tailored for you, but you're not sure how to go about chosing the right one?
Or often wondered what would it take to finally reach your fitness and weight loss goals permanently?
If any of these questions sounds familiar, then keep reading!
If you want to make a difference in your health, make a difference in your weight, increase your energy, look younger and feel stronger - you're in the right place!
A message from Kingdom Lifestyle Coach Trina, aka
"The Excuse Buster"
Losing weight is a frustrating process for many people.  So, if that's you, I want to reassure you, you're not alone.

It can be really daunting and disappointing to spend thousands of dollars on weight loss program and personal trainers resulting in little to no weight loss; or you keep gaining the weight back like a yo-yo. 

I'd like to help you achieve results you never dreamed possible!


My name is Trina.  I am a published author; the founder of Kingdom Lifestyle Coaching, LLC formerly Body Transformations by Trina and the creator of the online Permanent Lifestyle Transformation (PLT) System.  I've been passionate about losing and keeping weight off through a healthy lifestyle for the past few decades, and let me tell you the journey was not you can tell from the photo below.  Genetically I have an "pear-bottom" I inherited; therefore I had to deal with many valleys on my way to unlock the mystery of permanent weight loss.

Trina Claiborne

Pear Shape Inheritance - The Beginning

Once I started educating myself on nutrition, and  learning about metabolic responses from other natural health experts is when I decreased the number of visits in the valleys and decreased the time I spent in the valley. 

In 2012 and at the age of 47 I was brave enough to enter my first bikini competition and that’s when I truly saw an unsightly difference in my lower body compared to my competitors, but I still refused to give up.

In 2014 I trained hard and adapted a traditional competitors’ diet, but to my disappointment; my lower body was really no better.  So in 2016 I took on a whole different approach.  I went on a quest to discovery why it’s so difficult to get rid of stubborn lower body fat for so many women; especially pear shaped women like me.  


2014 Figure Competition

As it turns out my hunch was correct.  Stubborn lower bodyfat contains unique properties that resist metabolizing by use of traditional dieting and high intensity workouts.  The solution involves a particular metabolic protocol.


Fitness is my passion and I’m even more passionate about helping others overcome weight loss challenges because we have so many factors fighting against our biggest desire of looking good and feeling our best.  

Over the years I've worked as a weight loss coach for a few well known weight loss companies where I helped many clients achieve weight loss goals.  My experience at one of the facilities included being reprimanded for providing a struggling client a weight loss solution against the company's policy; although that solution broke her plateau losing 3 pounds of fat the following week.


2016 Figure Competition

It breaks my heart to see so many people spending a lifetime on fad diets and exercising to no end, but never getting the desired results.  Very often, the reason behind the failure is lack of knowledge on how metabolic responses are impacted by nutrition, exercise and stress. 


In light of what's happening today concerning declining health and rising obesity; I've decided to seriously step up my game to reach more people and help them overcome these challenges through the online PLT System.  

Weight loss help with the PLT System

The PLT System is designed to help your body reveal how nutrition, exercise and stress impact your metabolic responses uniquely; and you will learn how to take that knowledge to dictate what you eat, how you exercise and the best mode of stress management to implement according to your source(s) of stress.

I imagine you're not the kind of person that wants to be suckered into any weight loss gimmicks that keep you struggling with your weight.

What you learn within the PLT'll never have to again. 


The PLT System is backed by science and the word of God.

That's why I created the PLT System!

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The time is now because your famiy, your business, your job, your church and your life purpose needs you in divine health and stronger more now than ever!

...and you MUST and NEED to be disease free, and obese free with high energy & strength to support your mission in life!

Discover the Most Effective Healthy Lifestyle Best Practices for Permanent Weight Loss through the PLT Sytem:

  • What factors to consider when choosing your 1st meal of the day.
  • What's the deal about water and how much do you really need.
  • How frequently should you eat.
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  • How to consume carbohydrates.
  • When and what should "your" last meal of the day consist of.
  • What are the best cooking methods for maximum nutrient preservation.
  • How to handle cheat meals.
  • What's the best workout frequency and intensity unique for you.
My experience as a personal trainer & weight loss coach have been really successful in helping me overcome my weigth loss challenges and avoided metabolic diseases - all because of a relentless attitude to discover the root cause and prevented any onsets, and I'll show you how to do the same.
Since the creation of the PLT System I've had the pleasure of working with clients with a history of metabolic disease that prevented their fat loss goals,

The PLT System addresses every fat loss pathway contributing to your fat loss challenges.
I'd love to teach you the strategies, technique and cutting edge science I've learned over a couple of decades for permanent weight loss, and put it to work for you.
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But maybe you're not sure if you even need help losing weight.  
Many people lose weight on their own, so maybe you can too, right?
Lots of people assume losing weight is easy because 30 years ago they only had to work out and dropped 10 to 20 pounds.

...But as we get older the weight loss game changes and here's the mistakes I see way too often:

Top 6 biggest weight loss mistakes!

Mistake #1:  Consuming pre-workout drinks before & during your workouts and consuming energy drinks all day for energy.

Pre-workout drinks are excellent for professional athletes & bodybuilders due to their intense workouts and massive muscle mass.  Relying on energy drinks for energy introduces way too much sugar in your diet.  For individuals struggling with weight loss consuming these drinks are detrimental and counter productive towards your goal.

Mistake #2: Too much cardio:  duration and intensity.   

You can't exercise off a bad diet.

Mistake #3:  Never counting the cost of mindless snacking 

You walk into a bank or hotel and a large plate of chocolate chip cookies are free to grab, and you grab a the end of the day you don't remember eating them.

Mistake #4:  Hanging out with energy vampires, negative people and diet sabotaging friends

You can truly drop about 10 pounds by removing this group of people from your life.

Mistake #5:  Not eating enough daily calories

A low calorie diet robs you of nutrients, energy and drastically slows your metabolism making you a fat storing champ

Mistake #6:  Relying on diet pills

This marketing gimmick is a billion dollar industry with repeat customers and you can choose to participate or not.

A Lifestyle change is the #1 way to permanently lose weight, stay healthy, look younger and feel stronger.

More than gimmick diets, taking diet pills and working out like a maniac; a lifestyle change is where permanent weight loss is achieved.

Learning how your body responds metabolically will save you time & money from trial & error diets because you will know:

  • If a weight loss product or service can actually help you lose weight.

  • How to choose the right foods according to your metabolic responses

  • What type of exercise to do at the right time for better results.

You know that old Chinese proverb about the best time to plant a tree?
...So right now is the BEST possible time for you to start learning about your body and how to metabolically lose weight permanently!

I believe it is very important for everyone to use their life to bring blessing to others.  My weight loss struggles and how I overcame those challenges positioned me to be a blessing to anyone suffering with the same struggles.    

2 Body Transformer Testimonies

My name is Zandie, in 2021 I turned 37. I started the PLT system in February 2021. I had been trying to lose weight for years!!! . A lot of times I was using pills/supplements to help me. I thought they would help me lose weight faster while eating what I want . So I kept trying different pills & supplements and when it wasn’t working I would move on to the next one. The weight just kept packing on; I went up and up in size. I was miserable; knowing deep down inside there's got to be a better way.  Inspite of my struggles, I never gave up hope to lose the weight I just didn’t know how.


PLT System by Trina Before and After

So I met Trina at church, somehow every time we talked we'd end up talking about weight loss. It finally clicked with me that I needed her help.  I could hear her knowledge and understanding of the human body, and I knew she would be able to help me. So I asked her for her help and she agreed.  She went on to explain the online PLT System she been working on, as a reflection of all her experiences, knowlege and studies and how it helped her achived permanent weight loss. 


Long story short, we met for a consultation and I was ready.  We got things started right away, and it was so easy for me.  I never really craved sweets on this system. I finally feel like I have freedom and control over my body. I am satisfied with whatever I eat that’s good for my body. I’m eating foods that gives my body what it need.  I am fueling my body with nutrients and vitamins at every meal.  That is seriously what keeps me going.

The weight started falling off like crazy, I was finally able to say “thank you” when people would comment on my weight loss. I am seeing the results of the PLT system thanks to Trina!!.

I am so excited for the future!  I am staying on the PLT system for the rest of my life because it has changed the way I look at food, and the way I think about food . I now know that everything has its own does not control me anymore. Thank you PLT system, you have changed my life. I have more confidence now, and most of all; I have so much more respect for my mind and body. I never knew that my body can actually do the things that I’m able to do now. That’s what the PLT has taught me, that if I treat my body the way it was meant... it will reward me. I thank God for allowing Trina to help me and others.  Those that are searching for a healthy way of living, and knowing that there has got to be more...well there is more!!

I'm so glad Trina introduced me to the PLT system, I am not ashamed of sharing my weight with my husband anymore, I way less than him now!  I lost over 20 pounds the first two months and still losing..


Zandie, GA

My name is Stefanie. I am 55 years old and I decided to start the PLT program in May 2021. I saw the transformation of Zandie’s weight loss and it inspired me. I have been overweight my whole life and I tried every diet; all of them did not work. 


When I started the PLT program my A1C was 6.3 and my doctor put me on Metformin in January 2021. I had some really bad side effects so I had to stop the medication. I was also taking high blood pressure medicine. After 11 weeks of being on the PLT program I have lost 30 pounds and my A1C is 5.5. I am also off my blood pressure medicine. My doctor was so proud of me and said keep doing what you are doing. I have also lost 4 inches in my waist. 

I could not have done it with out the PLT program and the weekly consultation with Trina coaching me and encouraging me.

Thank you Trina.

Stefanie, GA

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You can lose weight the HARD way or the EASY way!
The Hard Way - enroll in a weight loss program offering meal plans

Is that worth it to you ?

      Sure, maybe but will it be permanent?

You know all weight loss programs work for a while but the minute you stop the plan; here comes the fat gain.

The problem arises when you get tired of the same meal plan and the meal plan does not reveal how your body uniquely responds metabolically for permanent weight loss.

The Easy Way - you can learn how your body responds to nutrients metabolically and develop a lifestyle change based upon that information, and never worry about being overweight for the rest of your life.
Sound scary?  Don't worry, I got you!
Once you learn the weight loss secrets I share with you in the PLT System, you will achieve weight loss and fitness goals you never dreamed possible.
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As we grow older, it gets harder and harder just to lose 10 pounds of fat; especially after 40.

That means the things you did to lose weight in your 20s and 30s no longer work after 40.  So you need to learn how your body has metabolically shifted making your past weight loss methods of no effect.  Even if you lose the weight; here's the million dollar question!


If you can't answer that question, your weight loss will not be permanent!
I want you to have permanent success!  Because I want to hear all about how your transformation impacted every pillar of your life:  family, job or business and most of all your life purpose.

Here's the Biggest Secret!

Losing weight is actually easy if you learn how to adapt your lifestyle to impact metabolic responses that promote fat loss.
Although the "how" is different for each person, staying calm & stress free most of the day and eating & moving in such a way unique for you - you will see a change in your fitness, weight and health.
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You may be the one that genuinely need the help provided by the PLT System!

The PLT System is a kickass ninja lifestyle transformation system; a blue print transforming you into a "Fat Burning Incinerator"!

That's how I like to look at it!

I am super committed to you here!

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I've spent the past two decades of learning about how nutrition, exercise and stress metabolically impacts health and weight loss into the online PLT System.

PLT System Consist of 3 Phases

Phase 1:  Get Well Phase - is typically the first 7 weeks but the duration may be different for each person depending upon the "failed" fat loss pathway related to their health.
  • Includes eLearning videos teaching you:
    • How to uncover which fat-loss pathway has been compromised and how to fix it.
    • How to track your progress. 
    • How to understand your bio-markers.
    • How to know if you actions are working.
    • How to pivot to force your body to trend in the direction of your goals.
    • How to rewire your mind-set to shift your lifestyle habits.
    • How to change your environment for success.
    • How to evaluate relationships to expose toxicity.
    • How to implement socializing technique during events to stay on track.
    • How to use journaling to expose patterns.
Phase 2:  Fat Loss Phase - the time spent in this phase is based on your weight loss goals.
  • Includes eLearning videos teaching you:
    • Carb-cycling techniques tailored to your metabolism to accelerate fat loss.  
    • Socializing technique, guidelines, and protocol to implement during any social event to prevent feeling guilty and gaining weight.
    • KETO protocols done the right way.
    • Proper fasting and intermittance fasting techniques.
    • How to rewire your mind-set to shift your lifestyle habits.
Phase 3:  Maintenance 4LIFE Phase - teaches you how to stabilize your weight for a lifetime
  • Includes eLearning videos to:
    • Help adjust your mind-set for permanent success. 
    • Establish the art of life goal setting.

The PLT Monthly Membership Includes:

  • $15.99/mo Lifetime access to the PLT online system
  • Perpetual biweekly live group coaching sessions for active members.
  • Perpetual updates on scientific health related discoveries & "Untold Natural Health" news.
  • Lifetime access to the PLT Community disscussion board
  • Lifetime access to webinars & seminars hosted by PLT & other health influencers
  • Lifetime membership to the Kingdom Transformers exclusive Facebook group


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* Couples & Families must reside in the same household.

What's Inside?

The PLT System currently has 18 modules with 15 chapters where you learn at your own pace.  It includes top-notch teachings in many formats:  text, voiceovers, videos, and helpful downloads.
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I'd love to see you inside the course, and support you 100%

This course is transforming the lives of my "Transformers" where they are achieving fitness and weight loss goals they never dreamed possible.  

Copyright 2023 - Body Transformations by Trina, Inc                                                                                            Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy



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© 2025 Kindom Lifestyle Coaching 

How to move into FORGIVENESS Quickly and Permanently!

Besides tricking you into believing "he" don't exist, did you know unforgiveness is one of Satans' top LEGAL tactics used to steal God's promises and block answers to your prayers?  Here is where you can learn how to pump the brakes on Satan.  You don't have to let unforgiveness rob you of heaven and God's blessings for your life!  Request this FREE PDF of 4 Simple Steps to Forgiveness Quickly and Permanently from Kingdom Lifestyle Coach Trina today.

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